Machine Learning

In recent years, thanks to the rapid growth of computing power, deep learning has blossomed. The increase in computing power is largely due to the GPUs. As we all know, the current popular deep learning frameworks such as tensorfow, pytorch, mxnet, etc. all support GPU acceleration. In order to explore the implementation principles behind the deep learning framework, this blog post will attempt to build a simple deep learning framework - Tinyflow. We will build a general automatic differentiation framework in which you can add any custom operator. To keep it simple, Tinyflow only implements the operators necessary for multilayer perceptron (MLP) models (such as MatMulOp, ReluOp, SoftmaxCrossEntropyOp), and of course it supports the addition of any other operators (such as ConvOp). At the bottom, we will use GPUs to accelerate matrix operations. Although compared to the mature deep learning framework, Tinyflow is very simple, but it does have the two core elements necessary for deep learning framework: automatic differentiation and GPU operation acceleration.

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Automatic differentiation (AD), also called algorithmic differentiation or simply “autodiff” is one of the basic algorithms hidden behind the deep learning framework such as tensorflow, pytorch, mxnet, etc. It’s AD technique that allows us to focus on the design of the model structure without paying much attention to the gradient calculations during model training. However, this blog post will focus on the principle and implementation of AD. Finally, we will implement an AD framework based on computational graphs and use it for logistic regression. You could find all the code here.

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Softmax regression (SR) (or multinomial logistic regression) is a generalization of logistic regression to the case where we want to handle multiple classes. Same as the blog about LR, this blog will detail the modeling approach, loss function, forward and backward propagation of SR. In the end, I will use python with numpy to implement SR and give the use on data sets iris and mnist. You can find all the code here.

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Logistic regression (LR) is a binary classification algorithm for predicting discrete values (In general, the predicted result is 0 or 1). This blog will detail the modeling approach, loss function, forward and backward propagation of LR. In the end, I will use python with numpy to implement LR and give the use on data sets iris and mnist. You can find all the code here.

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